Thursday, June 23, 2011

Maren is over a month old

Time sure is flying by these days. Maren is now over a month old. She is doing great and is a super fun baby. She has her cranky moments and likes to sleep alot but we are all adjusting to having her. Even Kodi likes her baby sister. She keeps telling me that the baby is hers and then she tries to take Maren away from me. But sorry Kodi thats not happening. Having two children is different. I am busy all day long and then at the end of the day I look around my house and I feel like I haven't gotten anything done at all. I am really worried about when I go back to work. When I am pregnant I totally lose my memory and then for the next 6 months after I am still trying to find it. So work will probably be really interesting and I am going to have to plan ahead and take lots of notes so I can stay on track. Also I am going to take Maren until I stop breastfeeding her so I am going to have to multi-task like crazy. Hopefully it will all work out.

So I have some funny Kodi stories. The other day I was feeding Maren and then I looked in the kitchen and Kodi had climbed in her highchair all by her self. She was eating some cereal that was left over from breakfast. When she saw me she just said "hi Mom" like everything was normal. Silly little lady.

Kodi has started to not like wearing clothes and every chance she gets she runs around naked. Last week I went into her room to get her fom her nap and she was had stripped down to her diaper. Then yesterday I told Kodi to run into her room and grab a diaper so I could change her, she went and got it like a good girl. I had to put Maren down so I could change Kodi so when I got back into the living room Kodi had taken off her pants and her diaper and was sitting in front of the TV just hanging out, literally. Ha ha she is so funny.

She is also talking so much. Her new favorite word is "horse" and she is always saying it. We have some flash cards with the letters of the alphebet and on the cards there are also pictures. For H there is a horse. The everytime Kodi pulls out the cards she goes through them and finds the H and yells HORSE!!!.

Here are some pictures from Maren's Blessing and also from Kodi playing with some bubbles.

Kodi really loves bubbles. She has even figured out how to blow bubbles and she has so much fun doing it.