Friday, January 28, 2011

Birthday Pictures

Little Mermaid Cake!
Kodi's new Little Mermaid toy. She totally loves it and is always pushing the buttons and riding it around the house.

This is my weak attempt at cake decorating.

Present time.

Kodi hated her cake. She took one bite, spit it out and started crying. Kinda funny cause I really don't love birthday cake either.

The balloons that grandma Janet got were a big hit and they are still floating in Kodi's room.
Kodi's 1st birthday was a great day. I love her so much and I hope she realizes it. She is a very special little girl and she has a great laugh. The next few months will bring some big changes so I really want to spoil Kodi as much as I can. I just know that when we have two little girls they will have to fight over our attention. But I guess we will see in a few months how it will all play out.

Monday, January 24, 2011

KODI is 1

One year ago today I was in a hospital bed numb from my chest down. Like I mean right at this exact moment 1 year ago. Just waiting for my little Kodi to make her apperance into this world. She sure did take a long time. From what my new doctor tells me from reading my charts is that I was 3 weeks overdue. Thanks to a midwife! But all is well. Kodi did finally arrive and she is doing wonderful. A lot has happened in just one year. Andrew and I graduated from NMSU, we moved from Las Cruces to Pocatello (a very sad move), I got a job at the Bannock County 4-H office (which I love), Andrew got accepted into Grad School at ISU, we found out that we are having another baby in May of 2011, we found out that we are having another girl, I am a cub scout leader, and I don't there is probably a bunch more that I am forgetting. But life for us is pretty good right now. We would be a pretty sad bunch without Kodi. She is so funny and so fun to be around. She is getting her molars right now and that makes her a little sad at night. But that kid has so many teeth for her age. Like 12 teeth and more are coming in. Still not a lot of hair but it is coming. Kodi is a tease and a giggler and I love her more that anything. I tell her that she is my best friend and I know that I am her best friend. It is such a great thing to have a family of my own. I love it!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Crazy Kodi

I have ben trying to post more pictures. Most of the time I just post my rantings but recently I decided that Kodi is way more fun to look at then to read my random thoughts. In these pictures Kodi is playing with Roxie. They are like best buds and they get into everything together. Kodi is also with her little cousin Raegan. She loves her very much and when Raegan is not around Kodi carries around her picture. Both at my parents house and at mine. It is super funny and she also calls her "sis", which makes me happy.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Girls, Girls, Girls

I figure I better add in this little update. WE ARE HAVING ANOTHER LITTLE GIRL. Poor Andrew is about to be surrounded. Lucky him, right? Well my due date is still the same it is May 25. I am leaning towards having a c-section and if you ask me I will say that I am having one. But it is still a little unknown. My doctor is going to do another ultrasound when I get closer to the end to see how big the baby is actually getting. If she is big like Kodi then for sure we are scheduling a c-section. But if she is smaller than I might try to just have her. All I want, just like most other mothers, is to have a healthy, happy, safe baby. It was kinda funny when I was getting the ultrasound and the lady was looking to see what sex the baby was, she said that it was a girl and then Andrew sighed and asked her if she was positive and if she would look again. He really wanted to even the score and have a boy. But maybe next time....if there is one :)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Kodi 11 Months

My really great friend Nikki took these and there are more to come. Also once I find my camera I will put up Christmas photos.