Monday, February 27, 2012

Naked Kodi

So Kodi is going through this phase where she doesn't like to wear clothes. I did not teach her this! But she is constantly stripping out of her clothes. I will get her dressed and then like 10 minutes later she is running around in only her diaper. She is so crazy. So now you know about her love of being naked. Last night/early this morning I heard her fall out of her toddler bed and start crying. So I went into her room and she is sitting in the middle of her room butt naked. No diaper, nothing! She was just sitting there crying. It was really pretty funny to walk in seeing that. But the reason she was crying wasn't because she had fallen out it was because she had peed her bed. I later found her diaper, it was dry and balled up and hidden. She got to sleep with Mom and Dad after that. I love that little wild one. She keeps our lives interesting.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

February 2012

As you can see I got a new hairstyle. It is a little wild but I totally love it. I also added some cute photos of my little gurlies. :) Enjoy.

Kod turns 2 cont.

Kodi turns 2.


My cute babies

Shadow box fun!!!

Amy and I made these over Christmas Break.

Christmas Pics 2

Christmas Pics