Thursday, September 22, 2011

September is running away!!!!

Maren is now 4 months old and she has two teeth. I am not sure how much she weighs but we are going to the doctor next week to find out. She is also in size 6 months. She is just growing up so fast. She is already holding her head up really well and she is trying to roll over. She holds on to her toys and she loves to smile. She is my little buddy and I love that she is always with me. I know that the flower is the same size as her head in the pictures but it is just so cute I love it. Maren has a way different personality that Kodi. She is way less moody and lots more smiley. But I love them both and I am glad that I am their mom.

Work is going really good and I am super glad that I am now going part time. So funny story.. Well maybe a few funny stories. So a few weeks ago at church I went to get Kodi from Nursery and the leader says to me " Kodi's diaper is really full, it fell off of her once but we just put it back on her". I was a little baffled with that but now we just make sure that she has a new diaper on when she goes and that she always has bloomers on. Ok next one....Maren has been scooting on her back when ever I lay her down. I was doing dishes in the kitchen and I heard her crying. I washed the last dish and then went into the living room to see what the deal was. She was stuck under the couch. I had layed her in the middle of the room and she had scooted all the way over to the couch and her head was stuck. I pulled her out and she had the biggest smile like she was so proud of herself for making it so far. Silly little lady. Oh now this is the kicker. Kodi really loves Go-Gurt. I mean she could eat them and Otter Pops at any time of the day. So I was getting ready in the bathroom one morning and Kodi came up to me, holds up a tampon and says "Mom, go-gurt, pweese." I almost died laughing. She is so stinking funny.

Kodi is now sleeping in her toddler bed and Maren is in the crib. We have our room back. Thank goodness. I can't sleep when a baby is in my room. They just grunt and make noise all the time. But Kodi is an early riser, at 5:30-6:00am she is in our room saying "Daddy, daddy, daaaaaddddy! Mom, mom, MoMMMMYYYY!" She sure keeps us on our toes.

I ready my friend Leah's blog today and she really made me think that I am so glad that I am a Mom. I am so blessed with my little girls and with Andrew. He really is the best guy ever and I love him. I am also blessed to have a wonderful family. Some of my friends have been having family drama and I just got to thinking that I have the best family. And I don't just consider my side my family I mean all of Andrews side as well. They all are so wonderful and I know that I can just call any of them and they will help me with whatever I need. Andrew and I were talking about how our life has been since we moved back to Idaho. I would not have changed it. I really miss all my friends in Las Cruces especially Leah and I wish we were able to talk more but I know that we are where the Lord wants us to be. I was talking to Lisa today about our ward and I am finally feeling like we are in the right place. It has taken over a year for me to feel accepted but now I have good friends and people that I really like in the ward.

So all in all I am in a good place for the time being and I am enjoying my little family. Some one said to me "don't let your little girls grow up too fast" and I just thought I really can't control that, all I can do is enjoy the ride. :)

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