Monday, October 22, 2012

Eat until you drop.

Holy smokes my children eat like crazy. I am not kidding they eat so much that I might have to put a lock on my kitchen. Yea right! So this last week I went to the grocery store and loaded us up since I have not been in like a month. I bought some apples. 5 to be exact. I was a little lazy and I left them on the counter instead of putting them in the fridge. Well I went about my day and did not think about the apples again. Until Andrew asked me where all the apples went. I was a little confused I didn't do anything with the apples, remember I was being lazy. Well come to find out our little Kodi had eaten 3.5 of the apples and Maren ate the other .5. Little monster. Then the very next day my mom had given us some cookies. I am pretty sure that there were 6 on the plate. I ate one and I left the plate on the counter (I should have learned my lesson) Then like 2 hours later Andrew askes me where all the cookies are. Again I only ate one so where did the other 5 cookies go. Oh our little cookie monsters munched all those cookies. Its like my children have hollow legs. Where do they put all that food. I am just glad that they like to play and dance to burn all that sugar off. Sweet Kodi did something this week that made me one proud momma. We were watching my friends little girl P.J. who is 9 months old and is a little sweet heart. Well we were eating lunch and Kodi asked for seconds, so of course I gave her some more food (I am telling you she eats a ton!) She asked if she could say a second prayer. So I let her. This is her prayer "Dear Heavenly Father, Thankyou for this day, thankyour for the food, thankyou for a mom that plays with me and is fun, and thank your for letting P.J. come over and play....." then she finished her prayer and I was so happy that she said her own prayer (she is only 2 remember) and that she is glad that I am her mom. I know that I have left Maren out of this Post but this was just a funny Kodi week I guess. There will be more Maren adventures to come I am sure. :)

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