Thursday, October 6, 2011

More Change................................

Life is funny sometimes. Just when you think you are getting things under control and that everything is going the way you want, BAM! Something has to happen to change everthing. For us we found out on Saturday that we have to move. The man we are renting from needs our appartment for his son so we have to be out in a month. Kinda crazy. I was in Utah at my cousins wedding when Andrew found out. He called me and I was super upset. Not only were we apart but I was really emotional from being in the temple earlier that day. When I was in the Temple I kept having the feeling that I needed Andrew with me and I was really unsettled. I just shook off the feeling, but I guess the Lord was preparing me. When Andrew told me that we had to move all I could think was that it was time to buy a house. When I got home and was able to talk to Andrew he told me that he was having the same thought. So we are on the house hunt. We have looked at all the sites online and I got us pre-approved for a loan. So today we are going out to look at some homes. I am super excited but really nervous at the same time. It all seems really fast but I guess since it is working out so easily the Lord must have a plan for us. It is kinda funny, I have dislike our ward since we moved in but over the last few months I have been changing my mind. Only a few days before we were told that we needed to move I was talking to Andrew and I told him that I was really enjoying my calling and all the girls and leaders in the young womens. I know that I will really miss all of them. I hope that we will stay friends.

I really hate packing and moving but this move will be easier then out last move from New Mexico.

Ok funny Kodi stories: A few days ago we had put Kodi to bed...Or so we thought. She came out into the living room and was covered in lotion. I had just bought some lotion and only used it once so it was really full. It was in a pot type bottle so her whole hand could fit into it. She used 3/4 of the bottle on her self and her stuffed bunny. Her hair was plastered to her head, her shirt was covered and there were globs of lotion all over her legs. She told me that she was pretty and when Andrew took her to give her a bath she got really mad at him and told him that it was her lotion and not to wash it off. Silly little rat. The next day her hair was still greasy even though we washed her hair.

This morning I was taking a shower and Kodi was in the bathroom with me since Maren was sleeping and I didn't want Kodi waking her up. So Kodi was playing with some toys and then she started telling me something about being pretty. I looked out of the shower and she had my mascara open and her whole face was black. I was really soapy so I couldn't do anything. But when I finally got the mascara away from her I saw that it was the waterproof kind. She was really mad at me when I had to scrub off her "pretty" makeup.

I think its time to potty train Kodi. She has starting taking her diapers off if I don't change them soon enough for her. And well I don't know about other people but I think its a little gross to come across a wet diaper just laying open on the floor. But I guess she thinks she is helping me out.

Maren is doing good. She is so sweet and happy. I was having trouble getting her to take a nap when we are all at home but Andrew said to just lay her in the crib. I was totally like "I know what I am doing", but then I decided to lay her in there and guess what. She fell right to sleep. I guess Andrew is smarter then I thought :)

Well wish us luck finding a place to live!

1 comment:

  1. Ashley you are so cute! I love reading your blog :) Good luck with the house hunt!
