Monday, March 28, 2011

March is almost over!!!!!

NEWS FLASH... There are only 3 more days left in the month of March. Yikes. I knew this was going to happen. I just got so busy that the month has buzzed by me. I looked at my calendar this morning and had a minor freak out. Like 7 whole weeks and 1 half week before I have another child to watch after. I have so much to do. I want to spend as much quality time with Kodi before this other one gets here. She and I had a great weekend. Andrew, sadly, was on call and was out and about most of the time. But we did get to go to the spring fair as a family and then out to lunch on Saturday. It was really nice to spend some time together outside of the house. Sometimes I feel like all we do is stay inside all cooped up. And I am not a fan. Also on Saturday it was warm enough for Kodi and I to play outside a little. We let the dogs out (Roxie and Riley, my parents dog) and Kodi chased them around. She was having so much fun that I could not tear her away. When we finally did go inside she was kicking and screaming. But it was getting chilly and I don't want a sick little girl. OH! I accomplished something this weekend that I am pretty happy about. Andrew LOVES and I mean LOVES english toffee. I have never made it before. They had some at the spring fair but it was super expensive like $5.99 for a little square. So I told him that I would make it. I found a recipe online and called my mother to find out how it is done. It is actually really easy or at least I had beginners luck. But it turned out perfectly crunchy and delicious. YAY me!!. I just found another thing to make Andrew love me even more for. :) It has been a little while since I posted some pictures so in a few days I will get to it. I have been picture crazy lately since Kodi is now over 1. Everything she does is just amazing and super cute. She has such a personality. She has started having little tantrums. I personally think that they are super funny because she is so dramatic. Last night she was angry with her dad and didnot want him to hold her so she pushed her way off of him and then ran over to the DVD player and hit it as hard as she could and then she would not look at us. She also is getting good at getting really mad and laying on the floor and not looking at you. She does that thing where when you are trying to pull your child along and they just pull back and sit on the floor. That one drives me nuts, but hopefully it won't get worse (knock on wood). I love my little Kodi and I cannot wait to meet her sister. When I was pregnant with Kodi I had all these dreams about how she would be and what she would look like, but with this one I have not had one single dream. I really wish I knew what she is going to be like. No matter what I will love her.

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